Did You Know That You Can Purposely Change Your Mood?
My cousin implied that I might not be as happy as I seem. This trait in certain other people we know can be irritating. But I don’t think this is a problem. Instead I think this is a skill. When you are pretending to be something that you’re not, that’s one thing. Like if you work in the mail room, but you claim to be a lawyer. But if you’re pretending to be in a better mood than you are, you can elevate it. Pretend to be happier. Smile to yourself for no reason. This is a technique if you are feeling mediocre, or bored, or even outright sad.
So it is possible that I am pretending to be happier than I am, but this is on purpose.
Gratitude Also Helps Adjust Perspective
It’s good to remember that you don’t have to be awake right now, you could have awakened in another dimension. Our time here on earth is but a mist. Having a good attitude outwardly despite what is happening inwardly is helpful to altering mood. Yours and others. Pretend to be happier and watch your mood elevate.
If you mix this with a habit of reviewing all the things that are currently going right, and acknowledging all of the gifts and privileges you are enjoying, despite your challenges, your mood will change for always. Watch for more good things that will show up to add to your current acknowledged and appreciated blessings.
Pretend to be Happier by Choosing Happiness on Purpose
Happiness is a choice. Sometimes I let things get in the way of choosing happiness, but I can only be frustrated with myself for not making a different choice. If happiness comes and goes, that is because I chose sadness or irritability instead. We all have the power to stop and choose our response to whatever is happening. We can choose to be happy in the current moment despite physical circumstances. Pretend to be happier and you will actually become happier.
Another Skill to Develop for Mood Altering
A wise man told me there is good in every situation. Sometimes this will take more time to find than others. It’s true that there is at least one good thing in every bad situation.
Years ago, I was at a tire shop waiting to get an emergency repair with money I had marked for something else. The wise man said of this situation that the tire could have failed on the freeway at top speed. Instead I noticed a noise and had it checked to discover a fault in the tire.
Problems Hidden Inside of Blessings
To find good things wrapped up in what seems like something terrible is a skill that can be developed like a muscle. It’s a shift in perspective. Where-ever your focus is, that is what you notice the most. AND whatever you notice the most, and whatever you are expecting, that is what the Universe is going to send you. If you notice more good things, your mood will be improved, and you will attract more goodness.
You Receive the Things You Say
If you find people who have this skill, keep them! Learn from them. There are people like this in my circle and I find when we are together, we present every problem as a blessing. It goes like this:
“It’s such a blessing to have your company to make up for the terrible service that we are receiving at this restaurant.”
“It’s a wonderful thing to have a car to need suspension work; I could be waiting for the bus instead.”
If you speak lack, then you will receive scarcity. Likewise, if you speak abundance, you will receive abundance. This means to me that speaking on a vibrational level that is more of what you want to receive is a high priority. KUDOS to each of you that knows this principal.
Practice Speaking on Only the Kinds of Things You Want to Manifest
While you’re doing this, your mood is improving. Your outlook is better. In this way it is the cure for the blues.
It requires practice and even though it has been over 10 years since I suffered from depression, I know there are higher levels that I could reach. I need to take advantage of chances to put this in motion and purposely cause the pendulum to swing back! I want more people in my circle that give me those chances to practice. On the other hand, running into perpetually sad people are chances to practice as well.
Cindy Lamothe cites even more ways to purposely change your mood in this article.
About These Drawings
The window and baseboard drawing is an example of using colored pencils to enhance an ink drawing. I remember that night like yesterday; everyone was watching the game but I was fascinated with the reflection of the TV in the window and inspired to draw.
Parts of the blue background is oil pastel which turned out to be a wonderful base for a colored pencil overlay. I enjoy how this turned out. I suppose it is a statement about ignoring the television.
The lunch time sketch is one I found in a random sketchbook that I forgot about. It took less than 15 minutes and I recall being surprised at how little food I received from Sufi’s for such a hefty bill.
Stay tuned for new drawings! I have been busy!
Question: Does drawing make you happier? Please let me know in the comments.
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