This is a ballpoint ink drawing from life that describes hidden blessings.
Ballpoint Ink is an Excellent and Cheap Art Tool
It is amazing that I can look at this drawing at it takes me back right to the moment that I drew it. Just like a photograph does. I was at the Kendall Street house drawing on the edge of the bed with my dictionary and sketchbook in my lap. I sat on the edge of the bed stuck on many levels.
It is a lost drawing. After the house burned, I found the sketchbook this drawing was in had severe water damage. It broke my heart so I threw it away. I have scans of all the drawings in it that I really liked. However they aren’t the best scans. Oh well. The best way to replace them is to do them over. I think another drawing in this theme would be great.
Picasso believed it was a mistake to repeat yourself, but I disagree. No matter how hard I try to make the same thing again, the copy is still going to be different from the original thus creating a series. What could be wrong with a series?
Drawing Inspiration is Not Far Away
So I sat on the edge of the bed and drew what I saw in front of me because I had no ideas for new art. It came out wonky but I loved it and I still do. Something about drawing all the way up to your hand and sketchbook is a mesmerizing viewpoint.
A very long time ago my dad did a drawing for me like this of the living room that included his hand drawing it and I was fascinated and completely impressed. That moment probably has a lot to do with my interest in art and drawing. My dad is an artist, but he prefers photography. He had sketches he drew for college courses and had been known to make drawings from time to time that influenced and inspired me to draw.
The Hidden Blessings of a Burned Down House
The Most High had been urging me to move. I knew it was time to go, but over time I had backed myself in a corner. The house was a wonderful gift from my grandmother that I did not appreciate. I lived there for many years without making repairs. Even when I had money to invest in the maintenance of the house, it was difficult to get sincere estimates for the work. After two decades, the house was packed tightly with stuff; it was completely empty when I inherited it. Moving would have been weeks of organizing, and parting ways with a large chunks of items. I had two of everything; one for the upstairs, and one for the downstairs.
One of the hidden blessings is the fire saved me from that process. There was a plethora of collections and junk that I was not sure I wanted to part with and this way I did not have to force myself to make the hard decisions. I was liberated.
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