The internet offers so much learning! Without trying to, I am stumbling across new drawing options and shortcuts. . . .
Mistakes I Made with the First ArtSnacks Box
When the very first ArtSnacks box arrived and I didn't get the notice for awhile... . . .
How to Create Impressive Drawings on a Deadline
Meeting client needs is like hitting the lottery on a deadline. Drawing faster is key. . . .
3 Good Ideas on How to Cure Artist’s Block
This post highlights how to cure an artist's block. For about a year I had been stuck in a dry period. It has happened to me more than a few times. . . .
Ink Sketchbook Drawing Exercise To Increase Your Skill Level
*Update (12-12-18): I have worked a little more on this ink drawing by increasing the dark values. It is a repeat and is not nearly as nice as the first sketch. . . .
What a Difference a Scanner Makes
The new scanner arrived and was a breeze to figure out. I have new drawings that I am still tweaking, and then I remembered this one that I finished, but couldn't scan in its entirety because of scanning difficulties. . . .
Colored Pencil and Ink Give This Remarkable Result
This sketchbook drawing is an example of colored pencil and ink working well together. . . .