This is a ballpoint ink portrait of my Uncle William.Β *1-15-19:Β Yesterday he passed away and it broke my heart. . . .
A Cheap and Effective Cure for the Blues
A wise man told me... . . .
A Surprising and Simple Way to Replace Lost Drawings
Two lost drawings of blooming houseplants and my solution for replacing them. . . .
2 Unique Solutions To The Problems With Colored Pencils
This post reveals some colored pencil solutions for this tedious art supply.Β It used to be my all-time favorite medium.Β Β I still love them for enhancing ink drawings. . . .
5 Ways to Invite a Remarkable Boost in Inspiration
Bottles are a favorite to draw.Β Anything with a reflection might fascinate me.Β This is an ink and watercolor sketchbook drawing inspired by Danny Gregory's book Creative License. . . .
Why I Fell to the Floor and Shook Uncontrollably
This vintage colored pencil drawing reminds me of a story... . . .
3 Advantages to Drawing in Sequence in Your Sketchbook
Years ago I decided that making drawings in sequence in one sketchbook was too restrictive.Β Now I am not sure that was a good decision. . . .