You will save time and your lines will say more by using contour drawing to increase drawing speed. . . .
A Surprising and Simple Way to Replace Lost Drawings
Two lost drawings of blooming houseplants and my solution for replacing them. . . .
3 Advantages to Drawing in Sequence in Your Sketchbook
Years ago I decided that making drawings in sequence in one sketchbook was too restrictive.Β Now I am not sure that was a good decision. . . .
How to Wake Up with Your Hair Already Done
There are two ways to wake up with your hair ready to go; the easy way and the hard way... . . .
How to Create Impressive Drawings on a Deadline
Meeting client needs is like hitting the lottery on a deadline.Β Drawing faster is key.Β Β Β . . .
How to Have a Tiny Studio in the Corner
Peek into the studio.Β This photo is proof that a studio can happen anywhere.Β It is all I need.Β . . .
What a Difference a Scanner Makes
The new scanner arrived and was a breeze to figure out.Β I have new drawings that I am still tweaking, and then I remembered this one that I finished, but couldn't scan in its entirety because of scanning difficulties. . . .